I feel very fortunate that my friend and co-worker, Angela, and her husband Ryan have been wanting to get a dog for awhile and they like pugs! I had been so worried that I wouldn't be able to find a good home to watch her. The three of them are now living happily along with Angela and Ryan's parakeets!
Getting prepared to go overseas was an adventure in itself. It is unbelievable to look at purging things I have been carrying around for years. I am trying not to think of all the money I spent buying things and not using them. Being quite the bookworm, I could not help but to buy many books over the years, usually at full price. Many of which I have not read. There was also the dirt bike gear...for the dirt bike I sold two years ago. There will be something almost primal about carrying everything I own on my back and starting over when I get back to the States. I will not want to have very much, that is for sure. And I don’t think I will buy much new. Maybe underwear, maybe. So much money is wasted at retail stores. I could buy everything I have at garage sales for next to nothing.This is not revolutionary, even to me. I frequently shop at thrift stores and garage sales. I think I made about $200 at the garage sale, selling things, and at the end of the day, so much was still left and I said screw it, this is all going to Goodwill. Maybe I will buy some of my own things back someday!

Never again will I spend two months of my life purging my belongings!