Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Leaving San Francisco

We planned for months to leave but really all of the work seemed to happen at the last minute. Cleaning up the apartment, finding a new tenant at the last moment, cleaning and painting the place. Not to mention selling everything I own. Actually as I’m sitting on this flight to Madison my car is still not sold. Only because Jessie’s dad and step mom offered to sell the car for me am I not sitting on $500 from a dealership. I think it’ll sell well I hope it’s not too much work for them, I have a feeling it will be more work then they think, even though they have already sold cars before and I have a lead in San Francisco who thinks they want to buy it.

During the garage sale a parking enforcement lady stopped by to look over our wares, she heard that I was trying to sell my car and was awesome enough to offer to put fliers all over the city in sheriff’s offices and police departments and the parking enforcement offices. I think this is where the best leads have come from so far. Daphne is loud, happy, and a sweet person.

I consolidated all of my stuff into 2-3 boxes I left at Jessie’s dad’s house along with the 20-30 boxes Jessie consolidated her stuff down into. I feel like I have nothing left in the world holding me down with no possessions (Except for that damn car.) Anyone in San Francisco want to buy a 2002 Saturn with 73500 miles on it? No? Hopefully it’s already sold if when you are reading this entry.

We booked one way tickets to Madison for 130 dollars each but ended up checking 2 bags each for an additional 120 dollars…. Don’t you just love the new system the airlines have going?

Clean out the apartment was quite a feat, we had a carpet cleaning guy come through and do all the carpets(thanks Ivan!), I sold my bed and it was carted off 3 days before we left.

I wish we already in Madison but we have another hour or so plane ride to Minnesota and then we’ll have another 1.5 hour layover before we can board the 45 minute flight back to Madison. We’ll get there though and we’ll finally have a few moments to breathe. I swear I don’t think we have paused to take a breath in the last month. It’ll be nice to try to sleep in past 6 am for once and not have anything to worry about. I just have to get vaccines and I just realized Jessie needs to get hers too. Well that was a wasted 2-3 hours on the phone calling all the different travel clinics all over the bay area to price them out. Hopefully we’ll get some vaccines in Madison I already have my appt. but Jessie does not. I think Jessie might just be more disorganized then I am… I don’t think that’s a good sign. Nor did I think it was physically possible.

It’s really nice being a man. I can travel anywhere and pretty much be happy and I don’t need any “special products” Unfortunately I now know more than any man should about the “special products women need daily and their availability overseas and… you know what never mind, I don’t really want to think about it and neither should you. You can read Jessie’s post, maybe she mentioned something. Uhhhh you know maybe you shouldn’t read her post. Just read my half and I’ll protect you.

I bought a Gregory Palisades Large 80 liter camping backpack. Hopefully that will hold everything I need for the next (indeterminate time frame). I love my new backpack; I found it on clearance at an REI store for 33% off. Even so it was still 220 dollars! But it should be well worth it if we have to move around a lot and quickly. Its super duper comfy and I can put a lot of weight in it and it still feels really good and distributes the weight well between my waist and shoulders. Since High school when I slipped one of my lumbar disks in my spine I have had trouble with that part of my back. But I think this bag should keep my back healthy. I need to take some kick ass pictures of me and my bag while it’s still all pretty and fancy looking. I actually can’t wait for the time that my pack looks all travel worn and I look like a true world traveler and not the greenhorn that I am.

OK this plane is coming down(hopefully in a controlled manner)(the pilot assures us that it is) so I had better sign off before the flight attendant decides that my laptop poses a security threat and I get carted off to a black prison in Azerbaijan or where ever they keep those nowadays. But hey at least I could be getting overseas on the cheap!